ISTC participates in event focusing on AI and National Security

The International Science and Technology Center’s Azizakhon Haidarova participated in the World Institute for Nuclear Security event in Vienna on February 6 to 8, 2024, and took part in discussions to identify and implement artificial intelligence-based (AI) technologies into existing national security programs. Ms. Haidarova, ISTC Tajik Branch Manager, engaged in a dialogue with expert speakers present and participated in various interactive sessions allowing attendees to explore artificial intelligence to share their experience and lessons learned.
AI can drive innovation, improve decision-making, and solve complex problems, giving it the potential to positively impact society. Participants actively discussed ways AI could be applied to the nuclear industry and the safety of nuclear materials, processes, and installations throughout the fuel cycle. The technological possibilities for AI to make the nuclear industry safer and more efficient are exciting and will continue to develop in the coming years. ISTC and its team continue to be actively involved in utilizing the latest technologies and innovations in their daily work.